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The Makers/Maintainers/Authors/Webmasters of this page are:

-The*Borg*Queen and The~Hive~Mind-

We are sisters working on a hobby page together.



 The reasoning behind this website was 1.) Because I've always wanted to make a "trekkie" website and because 2.)I wanted a fresh theme for a website to add new blood to the countless "Joe's Star Trek Webpage" websites out there. (And so the borg queen theme was born.) I find the concept of the borg fascinating, and the borg queen just makes it all the more amazing to me. Powerful, evil, cunning and downright creepy; I thought she would make the perfect focus of a webpage to add to the thousands of other trekkie websites already in existence. If there was ANY character I could be if I had the chance, it would be the borg queen.

Personal Q & A:

Which Star Trek series is your favorite?
Definitely Voyager.

Which is your favorite captain?
 Janeway all the way

Favorite Star Trek episode?
 Undecided. Too many great ones to narrow it down.

Least favorite episode?
Voyager: "Twisted."  What was the point of that anomaly? They never really explained it either. 

Favorite crewmember(s)?
Seven of Nine (VOY), Jadzia Dax (DS9), The Doctor (VOY), and B'Elanna Torres (VOY).

Favorite Star Trek movie?
First Contact. 

If you could be any alien species, what would you want to be?
 This one is hard. I think I would want to be either a Trill  because of the idea of "living forever" through a symbiont or a "Q" with unlimited powers.

Favorite Villains?
The borg queen (if that isn't already apparent.), Q (can he be called a villain or a nuisance?), and the Doctor in the episode "Darkling." (VOY)







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